Leisure Isle Night METROGAINE Race
- where orienteering points count -
Leisure Isle, Knysna
Friday 17th December
Registration from 18H00
Race starts at 19H00
Entry Fee:
R100 per person
R150 per per team
What Can You Expect:
Coffee | Food
Prizes for the 3 top scorers
Participants will be given a map of Leisure Isle with a number of locations marked on the map.
The map is a regular street map BUT, street names and identifying features have been removed.
Participants are then required to find those locations on the map and answer some multiple choice questions.
Your ultimate objective is to get the most number of points, not necessarily to visit the most number of physical locations.
Each location has a point allocation with the further ones having more points then the closer ones.
There is a time limit though and participants would need to see which locations/points they want to collect.
Participants can either go for the high scoring further ones or the closer smaller points but lots of them.
The more points you get, the better your chances of winning are.
For Example:
At point X on the map – what colour is the gate? Purple – Red – Black
At point Y on the map – what is the name of the boat next to the fence.
And so on......